Fives MSI Online Store - Getting Started


Fives Machine Tool Services and Solutions Online Store

Getting Started Guide


Index / Contents

1)      Introduction

2)      Registration

3)      Product Search

4)      Product Catalog

5)      Ordering Parts

6)      Basket

7)      Checkout & Payment

8)      Your Account (Password Change/Reset)

9)      Machine List Maintenance

10)   My Documents

11)   Contact Us



Welcome to the new Fives Online Store. We hope you will find our redesign much easier and more efficient in finding the products and services we offer. This site will allow you to browse our visual catalog of commonly ordered parts and services, as well as quickly search our full inventory by part number! The availability and pricing of products is updated in real-time based on our inventory today and your account status with us.



Registration provides you full access to our online store capabilities and ensures you the best pricing and availability, along with convenience as you return to shop with us. Registration is offered via the login link at the top-left of our web site. You may also be asked to register when you use certain tasks such as ‘Your Account’ or add an item to your shopping basket. Finally, registration makes it much faster for you via pre-populated information for order & contact forms, and likewise for us to notify you of any news, order/shipping status updates, or other account-related notifications.

To register, click on the ‘Registration’ button on the Home page just below the login prompt (right-side of the Home page). Alternatively, click the ‘Logon’ link at very top-left menu, then click on ‘Registration’ on the next screen.

NOTE: Once you register, you will receive an email confirmation along with your credentials.

If you are an existing customer, your existing login will work in the newly redesigned online store. You may also try the ‘click here if you forgot your password or User ID’ link.

NOTE: Your username is typically the email address you first registered with!





Product Search

Product Search can provide a fast & powerful way to locate a specific part, for example. In the top-right, you can type in a part term or number (legacy or current) and immediately see results. This main search function also allows you to perform a more precise search of terms/numbers by using the drop-down selection for Starts-with, contains, or have an exact-match to your entry. Results will be provided as you type – if any results are found. To see availability and list pricing, simply press the ENTER key or click the magnifying glass icon . This is also handy in case there many results to your search terms. You can page through the results, view pricing and availability and also see images where available. You may then click on the part title (or image) to view the item details or ‘basket’ to add it to your current order.

TIP: If you want to search by part number only, you may do so using the exact-match search function. This works for old and current part numbers, such as BLS-0016 or W.1000.5182 (use of periods is required in current part numbers). You will also be able to search once you are in the basket (order) by typing in a part number.




Product Catalog

Many of our popular parts are organized into a featured catalog organized by Category. These featured items will have product images and specifications as you navigate through catalog and click on any given part.

Product_CategoriesNOTE: Presently, a relatively small amount of our total available inventory of nearly 1 million parts is available through browsing the Products & Services > Parts catalog. You may also try Product Search if you know your part number (or specific search terms) as a faster way to locate, view, and order parts.

Once in the Basket/Checkout, you may also add additional parts by entering your part number, if known. If you still are unable to locate your part, feel free to use the Contact Us, and we will be happy to assist you in finding the right part(s) for your machine! 

While most folks will want to browse the Parts Catalog, we do offer many services to repair & extend the lifecycle of your machines. Be sure to check out our comprehensive Service offerings and click on the Information Request link to find out more!

Simply navigate the appropriate category by using the menu on the left. You may also click the down arrow to collapse a (sub)category or the up arrow to expand one.

At any time, simply click the Home  icon to start over or collapse any expanded categories by clicking the down-arrows shown to the left.


Ordering Parts

Whether you are viewing search results or browsing parts in the Catalog by category, ordering parts is as easy as clicking a single icon to add to the order basket.

NOTE: If you are not yet logged on, you will be prompted to login (or register) to continue. This ensures you receive the best pricing available and expedites the checkout process later.

Basket - Checkout

Once you add at least one item, you may continue to shop for more items, or click the Active Basket icon in the top-right of your browser window with the current order’s total shown. This will then take you to your current quote/order basket so you may add/edit/remove items of your current order -- or proceed to checkout.

If you are looking to add additional items, you may enter them by part number in the order basket, or simply continue adding items via browsing by category, and/or using the main search box shown at the top of the site.

If you would like to clear the Basket and start over to begin a new quote or order, simply click on the Basket icon, then click on Cancel button shown at the bottom.

ALTERNATIVELY: You may also click on the ‘Basket’ menu at the top of your browser to start a ‘New Quote’ or ‘New Order’ or to view/edit the current order for any items added previously and proceed to checkout.

NOTE: You can use the Quote form to request pricing for parts not showing a list price -OR- if you would like to request a discount for larger quantities.

Next we look at the basic composition of your Order Basket (screen shown below):

(A)   The order header. Here you will need to make sure the correct Delivery and Billing addresses are shown. You may view additional choices via the drop-down selection, or click the icon to edit and save a new delivery address. NOTE: Your default billing address(es) may not be changed without first contacting us. Also, be sure to check the box if you want a completed (combined) delivery of all items ordered.


(B)   Basket contents are shown here. The material number, quantity ordered, description and availability date of items added are shown. We also ask you to enter your machine’s serial number for each part ordered so we can assure you are, in fact, ordering the correct part. If you have created/saved your machine list under ‘Your Account’ settings, you may click the search glass icon and lookup/insert a saved serial number (see ‘Your Account’ section below). Any line item not verified will be shown as ‘Not Verified’ until an entry is made. You may enter ‘Not applicable’ if you’re absolutely sure of the correct part number you intent to order. However, you may be subject to a 50% restocking fee for any parts not verified to your machine’s serial number! NOTE: All line items in your basket must have an entry in the Serial Number field!


(C)   You may also change the quantities shown and check the box under remove for any line items shown in the Basket, then press ENTER -or- click ‘Refresh basket’ at the bottom to apply ANY changes made.


TIP: For faster (re)ordering, you can type in a part number (current or old) in the material input box (C) and press ENTER, any matching part will now appear in the basket. You can tab between the Material number, Quantity and Serial Number fields before pressing ENTER to search for the part number. Just press ENTER for each new part to be added. NOTE: This is an exact-match search for matching old/current part numbers.
You may also search for add’l items using the same material input box in the material column and clicking the Search glass icon. This will return any matching (partial) part numbers *OR* keyword(s) in a window with results by performing a starts-with search. From this window, simply click on the Basket icon next to a part to add it to the current basket.  


(D)   Checkout- click the Checkout button a the bottom of the Cart screen to continue to payment and shipping information, otherwise click ‘Cancel’ top clear your entire cart and start-over.
NOTE: If for any reason you close the browser, any items will be saved and you will be shown an option to "Recover Order" on your next login!




Basket View image (for quotes or orders):


Checkout - Payment & Shipping

Upon clicking Checkout, you will taken to the final summary of the billing and delivery contact information, expected delivery date, and items to be ordered. If any of this information needs to be corrected, you may click the ‘Back’ button at the bottom of the screen to return to the basket to make changes.

If the information shown is correct, you may proceed.

Please indicate if you would like installation service to assist you in installing your items ordered. Also, you may indicate if this is a rush order due to your machine being down (rush order).

If you have credit terms with us, you may enter a PO number in the entry box.

Please choose the delivery method (example: UPS Ground) and the method of payment: ‘Prepaid’ if you agree that all shipping charges will be added to your final invoice, or ‘Collect’ and enter your own freight account number (UPS or FedEx).

You may enter any additional shipping instructions (example: ‘Attn: John Smith’)

Choose ‘Invoice’ (must have good standing credit with us) or ‘Credit Card’ as your final method of payment for your order.

Check the box if you agree & accept our Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Click ‘Accept’ to place your order, otherwise click ‘Back’ to return to make changes in the Basket.

NOTE: Any missing information required or errors will be shown at the top of the Checkout screen!

You will receive an email to the address you registered with your order confirmation.

That’s it! We will contact you as your order progresses and with any tracking information when it ships.


Your Account - Change/Reset Your Password

Simply click the ‘Your Account’ link at the very top of the web site display.


NOTE: If you forget your password, you may always use the 'forgot your password' link on the home page (right-side), just below the Logon button. A new 'random' password will be emailed to you (using the same email address you signed up with originally).

Once you successfully login, you may change your personal data which includes your password, basic user profile contact information and email preferences. You may also view your company saved delivery addresses and payment terms.


Your Account - Machines Listing

You may also maintain a list of machines with us for much faster search, retrieval and entry of serial numbers when (re-)ordering parts and verifying them in the shopping Basket. Verification of machine serial numbers is required to ensure we get you the correct part # (and avoid a higher restocking fee, if returned).

You can customize the use of machine description and location fields to organize your machines. You may use your own naming and/or location conventions to aid in how you would like to search machines later. For example, a search of ‘Max’ in the shopping cart would return all Cincinnati Maxim model machines. A search of ‘Houston’ would show machines located in the city of Houston. You may want to use abbreviations or acronyms for subsidiary locations or offices.

Once you populate a list of machines, you will be able to order parts much faster by typing in a search criteria that matches any of the data in the fields below – then selecting the correct machine you are ordering parts for to instantly populate its serial number. You may edit this list at any time, so if a change occurs, you can delete/add new machines to the list.

Sample Screen shown below:


My Documents - Searching Orders, Deliveries and Invoices

My Documents allows you to search/review quotes, orders and invoices; as well as re-order items at any time once you are logged into the site. This provides a quick summary of all saved quotes, orders (open & completed), and even invoices (due or paid) for shipped items.

NOTE: This information is provided real-time from order system. Immediately after an order is placed, or a shipment processed by us for an order, this information may be searched and viewed!

My Documents is a main link in the menu bar at the top of the screen (see below).

For example, you may click on ‘Orders’ from the My Documents menu to search and view any orders (open and completed) from the past 30 days as shown in the screen below. Please check that you set the correct status (open or completed) to find ALL orders in the time range chosen (see below):

Then by simply clicking on the order number (example: 2284550 marked as completed), would show a completed order and provide a link to the delivery note information for shipments made on this completed order. These delivery notes will also show any UPS tracking links!


This shows any shipments completed and associated reference documents including the invoice(s) associated with the order. The invoice may then be clicked in the ‘reference document’ field to display the final invoice on this order. The original order is also referenced.

TIP: There is also a print-friendly option available once you click to open a specfic document (quote, order or invoice). This print version will remove many of the website banners to attempt to print only the relevant details of the document. Simply click the PRINT button shown at the bottom of any document.


Re-Ordering Items

Re-ordering items can occur at the entire order or quote level (several items), or at the individual item level.

Any quote, order or template document being reviewed that shows product items, will typically have a shopping basket (cart) icon next to each item number. Clicking this icon will immediately add that item to the current shopping cart for fast re-ordering of items.

Additionally, you may re-order ALL items from a previous order by clicking the basket icon appearing next to an order number. Using the guide above, simply search your previous orders, and in the results listing that shows your previous order numbers, click the basket icon next to the order you’d like to re-order from. All items are then placed into your current shopping basket. You may still remove any of these parts added from your basket. Simply click the ‘Active Basket’ icon at the very top-right corner of your browser window. See the ‘Basket à Checkout’ section above.


Contact Us

You may use the ‘Contact Us’ link shown at both the very top-left of the web site and again in the left-side of the footer area shown on the site. This form will auto-populate your information once you are logged on.

Alternative, you may reach us directly by calling us toll-free at 1-800-934-0735 or via email at